3,608 research outputs found

    Topological interactions in a Boltzmann-type framework

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    We consider a finite number of particles characterised by their positions and velocities. At random times a randomly chosen particle, the follower, adopts the velocity of another particle, the leader. The follower chooses its leader according to the proximity rank of the latter with respect to the former. We study the limit of a system size going to infinity and, under the assumption of propagation of chaos, show that the limit equation is akin to the Boltzmann equation. However, it exhibits a spatial non-locality instead of the classical non-locality in velocity space. This result relies on the approximation properties of Bernstein polynomials

    Affine-ruled varieties without the Laurent cancellation property

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    We describe a method to construct hypersurfaces of the complex affine nn-space with isomorphic C\mathbb{C}^*-cylinders. Among these hypersurfaces, we find new explicit counterexamples to the Laurent Cancellation Problem, i.e. hypersurfaces that are non isomorphic, although their C\mathbb{C}^*-cylinders are isomorphic as abstract algebraic varieties. We also provide examples of non isomorphic varieties XX and YY with isomorphic cartesian squares X×XX\times X and Y×YY\times Y

    New algorithms for decoding in the rank metric and an attack on the LRPC cryptosystem

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    We consider the decoding problem or the problem of finding low weight codewords for rank metric codes. We show how additional information about the codeword we want to find under the form of certain linear combinations of the entries of the codeword leads to algorithms with a better complexity. This is then used together with a folding technique for attacking a McEliece scheme based on LRPC codes. It leads to a feasible attack on one of the parameters suggested in \cite{GMRZ13}.Comment: A shortened version of this paper will be published in the proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory 2015 (ISIT 2015

    Convergence of a Vector Penalty Projection Scheme for the Navier-Stokes Equations with moving body

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    In this paper, we analyse a Vector Penalty Projection Scheme (see [1]) to treat the displacement of a moving body in incompressible viscous flows in the case where the interaction of the fluid on the body can be neglected. The presence of the obstacle inside the computational domain is treated with a penalization method introducing a parameter η\eta. We show the stability of the scheme and that the pressure and velocity converge towards a limit when the penalty parameter ϵ\epsilon, which induces a small divergence and the time step δ\deltat tend to zero with a proportionality constraint ϵ\epsilon = λ\lambdaδ\deltat. Finally, when η\eta goes to 0, we show that the problem admits a weak limit which is a weak solution of the Navier-Stokes equations with no-sleep condition on the solid boundary. R{\'e}sum{\'e} Dans ce travail nous analysons un sch{\'e}ma de projection vectorielle (voir [1]) pour traiter le d{\'e}placement d'un corps solide dans un fluide visqueux incompressible dans le cas o` u l'interaction du fluide sur le solide est n{\'e}gligeable. La pr{\'e}sence de l'obstacle dans le domaine solide est mod{\'e}lis{\'e}e par une m{\'e}thode de p{\'e}nalisation. Nous montrons la stabilit{\'e} du sch{\'e}ma et la convergence des variables vitesse-pression vers une limite quand le param etre ϵ\epsilon qui assure une faible divergence et le pas de temps δ\deltat tendent vers 0 avec une contrainte de proportionalit{\'e} ϵ\epsilon = λ\lambdaδ\deltat. Finalement nous montrons que leprob{\`i} eme converge au sens faible vers une solution des equations de Navier-Stokes avec une condition aux limites de non glissement sur lafront{\`i} ere immerg{\'e}e quand le param etre de p{\'e}nalisation η\eta tend vers 0

    Inequivalent embeddings of the Koras-Russell cubic threefold

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    The Koras-Russell threefold is the hypersurface X of the complex affine four-space defined by the equation x^2y+z^2+t^3+x=0. It is well-known that X is smooth contractible and rational but that it is not algebraically isomorphic to affine three-space. The main result of this article is to show that there exists another hypersurface Y of the affine four-space, which is isomorphic to X as an abstract variety, but such that there exists no algebraic automorphism of the ambient space which restricts to an isomorphism between X and Y. In other words, the two hypersurfaces are inequivalent. The proof of this result is based on the description of the automorphism group of X. We show in particular that all algebraic automorphisms of X extend to automorphisms of the ambient space